'Reminder' Affirmations Keyring
'You are my sunshine' Keyring
'I have auditory processing difficulties' Keyring
'I need time to process' Keyring
'I don't feel like talking Keyring
'Play a game- I spy with my little eye...' Keyring
'I prefer no eye contact' Keyring
'Please do not touch me' Keyring
'I am autistic' Keyring
Wacky Tracks
Fidget Peapod
Stress Ball/ Egg
Glow in the Dark Wacky Tracks
'Books are better than people' Pin
'Shhh... I'm reading' Pin
'Keep reading' Pin
'Keep going' Pin
'Keep smiling' Pin
'If you can read this, you're too close' Pin
'Lazy is a very strong word. I like to call it "selective participation"' Pin
'Just one more chapter' Pin
'Book nerd' Pin
'Book Babe' Pin
'I need my space' Pin
'Go away, I'm introverting' Pin
'We lose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too' Pin
Heart Quote Pin
'Hang in there, it gets worse' Pin
'Lookin sharp' Cactus Pin
'Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice' Pin
Milly's Mind
All About PDA
Specific Learning Differences, What Teachers Need to Know
Neurodiversity and Education
Young, Autistic and ADHD
Under the Radar: An Essentail Guide to Autism and Girls
My Senses Are Like Cups
Creative Coping Skills for Teens and Tweens
Stress Less
Being Autistic (And What That Actually Means)
Tray Play